

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

Introduction to Human Rights

Hello everybody, Welcome to Human Rights!

This subject has the main goal to promote in the students the individual and collective obligations. Also, to create self awareness in order to protect, to promote and to respect the Human Rights.

Read in advance the following books. Be ready for the class!

Human Rights: A Very Short Intorduction.
 Clapham, Andrew. Estados Unidos. Oxford University Press, 2007.

The History of Human Rights. From Ancient Times to the Globalization Era.
R. Ishay, Michelin. University of California Press, 2004.

Assignment #1 (individual)
After you watch the following video write down the origins and history for the Human Rights. Search another video or text in which you can see how the Human Rights are taking place at present time and add it to your summary.
Due date: 
Sept. 2nd. 2014.

Assignment #2 (individual)

Search the biography for the following Human Rights characters: Cyrus the Great, Francisco Suarez (1548–1617), Hugo Grotius (1583–1645), Samuel Pufendorf(1632–1694), John Locke (1632–1704), and Immanuel Kant. Write a small summary for each philosopher on your notebook.
Due date:
Sept. 9th. 2014.
Assignment #3 (individual)

Find out which are the main International Human Rights Organizations and what do they do. Include a picture for each organization made in computer with cover.
Due date:
Sept. 9th. 2014

Assignment #4 (groups max. 3 members)

Interview several people at your school. Video tape the interview. Find out what do they know about Human Rights. At the end of the video give your conclusion of the interview results. If they are positive or negative. And how much did you learn from each person's answers. Present the video in class.  Be ready to play it using the projector.
Due date: 
Sept. 23rd. 2014.

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